Lazada Express Hub Georgetown OTC, Penang
Lazada Express Hub Georgetown OTC location, address, contact number, operation hour, and google map direction information. Lazada seller may drop-off LEL express parcel here, in Georgetown area, Pulau Pinang.
OTC is the new Lazada Express service called Over The Counter, which allow seller to drop off parcels directly to the Logistic teams, this will help to improve the delivery time.
Find out the outlets information from below:
LEX OTC Georgetown, Penang
2-1-25A, Harbour Trade Centre, Gat Lebuh Macallum, 10300 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Operation hours:
Mon – Sat (1:00pm – 7:00pm)
Tel: 013-4740330
Get direction in Google Maps
Lazada Express (LEX / LEL) parcels drop-off only. Not availble for self-collect.
Maximum Size & Weight:
Maximum Weight: 20kg
Maximum Size: 70cm*70cm*70cm
Source: Lazada Express Malaysia
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