SPX Express Selangor Drop-Off Point

Location listing of Shopee Express Selangor Drop-Off Point. Selangor State Shopee seller just need to drop-off their parcels at the nearest point, and Shopee Express delivery team will pick up from these point, and arrange for the delivery to your customer.
Find Shopee Express drop-off points Selangor near you from below table. Just to remind that, Shopee Express is only delivery shopee’s parcels. You cannot simply walk in to drop-off point and request to send your own parcels.
You can now self collect your SPX Buyer Self Collection Parcels at these point, but make sure you get the pick up PIN number before go collect your parcels.
You may contact Shopee Express Customer Service at 03-2777 9222 or track your parcel here
You may check all SPX Service Point in Malaysia Here
SPX Express Selangor Drop-Off Points
Source: Shopee Express Malaysia
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