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As a newbie to cryptocurrency, I lost a lot of money up to $150,000. I would like to express my gratitude to Expert Bernie Doran for their exceptional assistance in recovering my funds from a forex broker. Their expertise and professionalism in navigating the complex process were truly commendable. Through their guidance and relentless efforts, I was able to successfully retrieve my funds of $150,000, providing me with much-needed relief. I highly recommend him on Gmail – Berniedoransignals@ gmail. com to anyone facing similar challenges, as their dedication and commitment to helping clients are truly impressive. Thank you, Bernie doran, for your invaluable support in resolving this matter.
Best expresz FUCK. currier service paling bangsat paling hamjad pernah guna. 4 hari out for deliveri tak sampai2. Mmg hanjing
This Best express is the Worst ever express Co . Parcel reached to their warehouse on 16th Dec 2024 . By 17th Dec 2024 showing the parcel is out for transit from Shah alam to csgsst which they claim it is somewhere in cheras . And then by 19th status updated with showing : parcel out for transit from Shah alam to csgsst . By 21st last update it is still showing the same that parcel out for transit from Shah alam to csgsst . I’m just wondering how far the distance from Shah alam to cheras which they can’t reach in 5 days , and today 23rd Dec 2024 , been a week that my parcel reaching on their warehouse Shah alam , yet there’s no further status update for my parcel . I’ve tried a few times contacting their customers service to trace and to ask Where’s my parcel , I don’t mind to collect by myself . But their customer service couldn’t tell Where’s the parcel locate at , and keep telling me that they raise a report to speed up the delivery , but I ain’t see any further movement nor update been made .
The fastest move they did were removing the bad comment on their Facebook page , nothing more .
There’s been once bad experience with best express happened on June, my parcel from China has reached to Best express warehouse. The next day it show the parcel is out for delivery , but I never receive it . The next day I check for the status , it show delivery attemp unsuccessful. I look for shopee customer service for an explanation of why it happen , what’s make the delivery attemp unsuccessful, what I got from them was , unable to reach to me , nobody at home . No one even call me or message me regarding for the parcel , and my parents 24/365 staying at home but they claim that nobody at home ? Unable to reach to me ? And terrible things after that , continously for 5 days status show parcel out for delivery, but I never get my parcel until a week after . They threw the parcel at my car porch . I don’t mind that they threw it in my property instead of hand to hand deliver . But they first claim that nobody at home so delivery attemp unsuccessful means ???
This Best express could be the worst express Co in Malaysia . If there’s a worst ranking voting , they definitely get rank 1
Contact me through email if u guys need some prove , I had it all screenshot
BEST EXP?? Bastard
Xde rating yg boleh bg utk service BEST EXPRESS ni. Service macam celaka! Peram barang customer berhari2 Dr 11 Dis smpi hari ni. Alasan x dpt hantar hujan dan bencana alam. Penipu!! Ni Melaka bukan pantai timur yg teruk banjir smpi jln tutup. Melaka pun hujan x la teruk sangat. Paling siyal PC Best Melaka kat branch. Bila f/up dia marah pula kata bukan brg saya sorang je x hantar. Memang siyal. Letak tu letak telefon. Sape mangsa Best Express jom ramai2 report pd MCMC supaya ada tindakan dilakukan. Buyer dh mcm pengemis tunggu brg. Call HP Best Express berkali2 buka report memanjang tp xde solution.
Barang xsampai2…jenis peram kot. Orang beli nk guna bukannya sesaje..
Curier paling teruk !!!!!!!! Barang dah sampai hq, then rider keluar hantar barang sampai 4-5 minggu tak sampai2 rumah ??? Bila call cakap barang ade hat hq, bila pergi kata barang kat rider .. Berminggu weii tunggu !!! Dah la barang nak guna buat tambah lagi stress haihh ! Beli kat shoppee auto dia guna curier ni tak de pilihan, n ni bukan barang first, semua barang gune curier ni dapat masalah sama. Curier paling terukkkk !!!! Plis lah jangan guna ! Harap bankrup terus je lah ! Menyusahkan orang !!!!!
Curier paling teruk !!!!!!!! Barang dah sampai hq, then rider keluar hantar barang sampai 4-5 minggu tak sampai2 rumah ??? Bila call cakap barang ade hat hq, bila pergi kata barang kat rider .. Berminggu weii tunggu !!! Dah la barang nak guna buat tambah lagi stress haihh ! Beli kat shoppee auto dia guna curier ni tak de pilihan, n ni bukan barang first, semua barang gune curier ni dapat masalah sama. Curier paling terukkkk !!!! Plis lah jangan guna ! Harap bankrup terus je lah ! Menyusahkan orang !!!!
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