DDR Sorting Centre Shopee Express | SPX Malaysia

DDR Sorting Centre

DDR Sorting Centre Shopee Express Location & Contact

DDR Sorting Centre Shopee Express SPX location, address, contact number, operation hour, and google map direction information. We believe DDR Sorting Centre likely derives its name from D’Dragon Warehouse (abbreviated as DDR), though this connection has not been officially confirmed.

Find out the Shopee Express DDR Hub information from below:

Since there is no official information from Shopee Express, so we just try to get information from Facebook, driver and shopee staff.

LOT 183628, 183631 , 183634, JALAN SUNGAI CHANDONG 29/KS 11, PULAU INDAH INDUSTRIAL PARK (PIIP), KLANG, 42920 Pulau Indah, Selangor

Operation hours:

Tel: – 
Get direction in Google Maps

Not available for self-collect/ Pick up.

arrive DDR Sorting Center

Why is Your Package at DDR Sorting Centre?

If you purchased an item on Shopee from a seller located in Klang Area, here’s the process:

  1. After the seller packs the order (or once SPX Express picks it up from the seller’s warehouse), parcels are first routed to the this Sorting Centre for initial sorting.

  2. The sorted packages are then sent to the Sorting Centre in your state (the recipient’s location).

  3. Finally, they are dispatched to your address via local delivery.

If your delivery address is in Klang area:

  1. Parcels from other states are transferred to the  this Sorting Centre.

  2. They are further sorted and sent to a nearby SPX Delivery Hub.

  3. The package is either delivered to your doorstep or held for self-collection at an SPX Point.

What is Shopee Express DDR Sorting Center?

Shopee Express Sorting Center is a specialized logistics facility operated by Shopee (a leading Southeast Asian e-commerce platform) to streamline order processing, package sorting, and last-mile delivery for sellers and buyers in Selangor area.. These centers act as hubs where parcels are organized by destination, enabling faster and more efficient delivery across regions.

Where is DDR Sorting Centre?

SPX sorting centre location is currently undefined, some said it is located at West Port klang. However, this sorting centre is not open for public to walk in or pick up their parcels. 

Can I pick up my parcel from Sorting Centre Hub?

No, you can’t self collect / own pick up your parcels here. You have to wait for the delivery by Shopee Express delivery team.

Who should I contact if parcel stuck at DDR Sorting Centre?

We will suggest you to contact Shopee Customer service through Shopee Apps, by providing your order number and SPX tracking number.

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This Post Has 4 Comments


    Hi, I’m Venus Yong from Melaka. I interested to know more further details about to operate Shopee Express in Melaka. Could anyone provide me the contact number?

  2. Amiy

    Tolong cepat sikit hntr tuh brg org nj gune urgent….servis slow btoi

  3. Jay

    Parcel stuck dekat DDR Sorting Centre since 2 Okt 22… Haiyaaaaa

  4. Jay

    Stuck lagi satu since 8hb… Terok betul….

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