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Latest LEL Express Review
Most fucked up express ever
The courier sent my boxes to someone’s else house…luckily the owner called me informing me about them…he said it happens a lot of time..they just left them at his house. I’ very sent the pictures of tracking number to kota bharu office website already…I called but no one answered maybe because today is weekend but the boxes were still sent today
one of top CCP premium yet most slowest , even poslaju mailing are better
Algafri Hasyim courier delievery man, bad attitude and suck service,lel express no need improve,just go your hell bankcruptcy!
Bad, slow and terrible. I’ve purchased 3 items in a bundle from a different shop on the 17th of September. All of my items arrived at the distribution centre near me at 20th. Haven’t received my items up to now. First and last experience here on lazada.
ordered on 11/9/21 , is kinda reasonable not to get shipped by seller on weekends, seller ship on 12nd , reach my destination on 14th . till 17 still cant manage to deliver to my place. Lazada emails non exist, contact non exist . super slow , please dont call your company as express, what a shame . Buyer having problem and that the only way to talk with your kinda VIRTUAL AGENT to assist me? but end up its still a robot , didnt answer on my question.
LAZADA iif you saw this please make your improvement otherwise , this will be my last purchase on your platform!!!!!!!
Up until today never pick up from seller. somemore forced seller to opt for LEL. the seller MUST choose LEL. really tied up as seller was ready with the parcel and everyone waited and waited.
Should come out with a petition to cease this company to exist. or boycott it and opt for Shopee.
Please everyone let LEL close down
What a joke. My parcel is already in kl for 10 sep
Untill today i didn’t recive . What a joke
They should right their name lol expresse
Laosi service, and cant event find a contact number of LEX logistic, call Lazada and email to customer service only will give copy and paste useless answer.
the worse courier service in Malaysia and its still force lazada customer to use this laosi service. Good bye lazada,
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