Check LEL Express Review on delivery time, shipping rate, customer service, driver attitude and more, reviews are sharing by customer’s experiences. Please feel free to comment your user experiences of LEL Express (Lazada eLogistic), are you recommend to other users?
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Latest LEL Express Review
terrible delivery!
I check the tracking and there is NO update for TWO days already!
Bad service. Before this, the delivery was OK but effective this month, it has become extremely bad!
Very disappointed..
The item is not picked up from seller for a week. Try contacting Lazada customer services to cancel but couldn’t get through. Lazada is sucks!
Im still not get my parcel..pending at kl logisctic from 28/7/2021..Its already 10days! Very bad service!
Not recommended lazada not take any action on this
Super slow and delay delivery
Seller use 4 days sent from china to Malaysia, but when the goods Arrived at local logistics simpang Ampat very near my address until today still pending at there. 4 days already.
Still didn’t receive my parcel yet. It has been two weeks+. Dah lepas estimate date pon.
LEL EXPRESS This courier company is very very bad service. My goods still not yet received, tracking show arrived at K.L but still stay at that many days still not moving yet until a delivery date was expired now.
Poor service! Not like this courier company! Will completely ban this company! Wasting my time.
have not receive my parcel more than 2 weeks, what are lazada doing… sleeping? this is the first and also the last l use lazada
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