MP3 Sorting Centre Shopee Express | SPX Malaysia

MP3 Sorting Centre

MP3 Sorting Centre Shopee Express Location & Contact

MP3 Sorting Centre Shopee Express Malaysia SPX location, address, contact number, operation hour, and google map direction information. Shopee parcel stuck at MP3 Sorting Centre and not moving?

Find out the Shopee Express Hub  information from below:

(This is not official address/ location provided by Shopee Express, we tried to get this location from Driver and Facebook, so it might not accurate)

Block 2 – Unit 2.5 First Floor,
Lot 10003 Jalan Jubli Perak 22/1A Seksyen 22,
40300 Shah Alam, Selangor

Operation hours:
24 hours

Tel: 03-27779222
Get direction in Google Maps

Not available for self-collect/ Pick up.

Why is Your Package at MP3 Sorting Centre?

If you purchased an item on Shopee from a seller located in Shah Alam Area, here’s the process:

  1. After the seller packs the order (or once SPX Express picks it up from the seller’s warehouse), parcels are first routed to the  MP3 Sorting Centre for initial sorting.

  2. The sorted packages are then sent to the Sorting Centre in your state (the recipient’s location).

  3. Finally, they are dispatched to your address via local delivery.

If your delivery address is in Shah Alam area:

  1. Parcels from other states are transferred to the  MP3 Sorting Centre.

  2. They are further sorted and sent to a nearby SPX Delivery Hub.

  3. The package is either delivered to your doorstep or held for self-collection at an SPX Point.

Where is MP3 Sorting Centre?

MP3 sorting centre location at Shah Alam, Selangor. However, this sorting centre is not open for public to walk in or pick up their parcels. 

Can I pick up my parcel from MP3 Sorting Centre Hub?

No, you can’t self collect / own pick up your parcels here. You have to wait for the delivery by Shopee Express delivery team.

Who should I contact if parcel stuck at MP3 Sorting Centre?

We will suggest you to contact Shopee Customer service through Shopee Apps, by providing your order number and SPX tracking number.

You might also interest with other SPX Sorting Centre

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Halim

    Where is my parcel…SPXMY022494030043…its been a week already that u all hold my parcel….why…just why….i want my parcel

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