Location listing of Shopee Express Hub & Sorting Center in Malaysia by states. Business hour, address, contact number and google map direction for all Shopee Express Hubs (SPX Hub) in Malaysia.
- Shopee Express Johor Hub
- Shopee Express Kedah Hub
- Shopee Express Kelantan Hub
- Shopee Express Kuala Lumpur Hub
- Shopee Express Melaka Hub
- Shopee Express Negeri Sembilan Hub
- Shopee Express Pahang Hub
- Shopee Express Penang Hub
- Shopee Express Perak Hub
- Shopee Express Perlis Hub
- Shopee Express Sabah Hub
- Shopee Express Sarawak Hub
- Shopee Express Selangor Hub
- Shopee Express Terengganu Hub
Selamat Pagi. Sebut Shoppee Express, tapi barang order pada 17 March simpan di jasin Hub sehingga sekarang pun tak di sampaikan. Order SPXMY 023843451503